One-on-One Life Coaching


Our coaching sessions will take on a personalised program; We will help you focus on what is important to you, together we will look at the points in your life that need strengthening and tweaking. We will then refine your goals, set a plan, set strategic measures and a time line, along with some real motivation and accountability to help you achieve.

Together we will also look at challenges or issues that have been standing in your way of achieving in the past, and help you paint a new canvas for the future. By using a Butterfly coach you will be encouraged to push your boundaries to achieve greatness, and it is our job to expect nothing less.


The Butterfly Experience Coaching can help with:


  • Coaching to close skill gap
  • Coaching for goal achievement
  • Coaching for improved performance
  • Coaching for behavioural change
  • Coaching for leadership development

Some times goals are the simple things in life, finding happiness, reducing stress, having good relationships with friends and family, being more confident and self-assured, giving yourself the power to take care of yourself at all levels.

Personal Coaching can be a very powerful life spring-clean, we will look at what keeps stopping you from achieving the goals/dreams you want in life, and give you clear techniques to stop the things you are just putting up with. 

Together we will find the key indicators that are dis-empowering you in your life and devise a plan that will give you freedom to be, and help you focus on the things that will bring fulfilment. The coach’s at The Butterfly Experience are not family or friends so we are able to help you see things without bias, with only you in mind.

Isn't it TIME you started living the life you've always wanted!




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